Anti-Sectarian Bills

Anti-Sectarian Bills

2/12/25  The following bills are CONSTITUTIONAL because they obey and defend several Wyoming State Constitutional provisions that prohibit the state’s support or involvement in any sectarian practices, teachings or activities.

HB0032 What is a Woman Act;
HB0072 Protecting women’s privacy in public spaces act;
HB0134 Taxpayer funds-sexually explicit events prohibited-2;
SF0044 – Fairness in sports-intercollegiate athletics;
SF0062 Restrooms in publicly funded schools-2.

Sectarian, an antiquated term that many people believe only refers to religious sects, can also refer to political sects:

SECTARIAN (emphasis added)
: relating to religious or political sects and the differences between them.

The belief that a man can become a woman, and visa-verse, is a political ideological belief rather than a biological reality.  The fact that we have to articulate this demonstrates how bad things have become in our country and state since the “T” was added to “LGB”.

The above mentioned bills address the transgender sect of “woke ideology” that is plaguing our country and state at this time in history.  Those in the transgender sect are an aggressive type of political sect (like Marxists), combined with a psychological shock component (like Antifa), which often intimidates people to give them a wide berth.  As a result of this intimidation (and semi-relinquishment of physical and moral ground), the transgender sect has been gradually asserting its way into bathrooms, locker-rooms, sports (and scholarships) that have been historically designated for women only.

This is exactly why the above mentioned bills are needed in Wyoming today, and why WY legislators should rely on the following constitutional provisions that prohibit instruction and funding of any sectarian doctrines.

Wyoming State Constitution (emphasis added)

Article 7, Section 12
No sectarian instruction, qualifications or tests shall be imparted, exacted, applied or in any manner tolerated in the schools of any grade or character controlled by the state, nor shall attendance be required at any religious service therein, nor shall any sectarian tenets or doctrines be taught or favored in any public school or institution that may be established under this constitution.

Article 21, Section 28
The legislature shall make laws for the establishment and maintenance of systems of public schools which shall be open to all the children of the state and free from sectarian control.

Furthermore, Article 1, Section 19 and Article 3, Section 36 of the Wyoming State Constitution prohibits any appropriations for any sectarian or religious doctrines, societies or institutions.

In regard to HB0134 Taxpayer funds-sexually explicit events prohibited-2, the transgenderists have also asserted their way into public venues for family entertainment (drag shows) and government-owned venues, such as libraries, for drag-queen story hour.  Drag queens, their performances and accompanying attire are typically known to be purposefully lewd, sexually shocking and vulgar – behavior that Wyoming children should be protected from and Wyoming state coffers should never be funding.  Any drag queen event that promotes or encourages attendance of children should be deemed as sexual grooming of minors.  The following Wyoming State Constitution provision applies to prohibiting this activity as well:

Article 7, Section 20
As the health and morality of the people are essential to their well-being, and to the peace and permanence of the state, it shall be the duty of the legislature to protect and promote these vital interests by such measures for the encouragement of temperance and virtue, and such restrictions upon vice and immorality of every sort, as are deemed necessary to the public welfare.


307 Note: For an educating read on sectarianism we recommend:  Sectarianism: analyses of religious and non-religious sects